DDU launches free associate contract advice service

05 June 2019

Dental professionals who are concerned about contracts are being offered a free associate contract checking and advice service as part of their Dental Defence Union (DDU) membership. The DDU is launching the service today as part of its standard membership package.

The service, which is designed to help associates and principals alike, includes:

  • free advice on wording associate agreements from dento-legal experts
  • free checks on contracts against best practice guidelines
  • free access to a model contract, developed with specialist dental lawyers
  • competitive rates negotiated for DDU members who wish to take a contract dispute further and need specific legal advice.

John Makin, head of the DDU, said, “DDU members have been raising a growing range of issues arising from contractual issues and associate agreements in particular. The DDU regularly supports members with GDC cases which began as disputes between dental professionals and unfortunately the number of such cases is increasing. By extending our expert advice and support to cover a wider range of factors, we aim to stop contractual friction leading to more complex problems.

“Over the last three years we've supported over 99.5 per cent of requests for assistance, leading to thousands of dental professionals receiving support. We are pleased to be able to add another important service, giving members all the professional support they need.”

Common queries raised by DDU members include:

  • Does having formal treatment targets conflict with GDC guidelines?
  • What’s a reasonable notice period?
  • What should an associate’s obligations be if they leave the practice?

DDU members with contractual queries can access the new service by calling the DDU’s dento-legal advice line on 0800 374 626.

For further information visit www.theddu.com/contracts