Clinical Dentistry

Transforming a patient’s smile

Robbie Hughes and Alex Carruthers present a case of a patient with a severe midline diastema.

Apical microsurgery consensus published

An expert consensus on apical microsurgery has been released, offering a comprehensive guide to the highly effective, minimally invasive dental procedure.

Double lateral incisor implant placement

Selvaraj Balaji presents a case of moderate complexity in which he places two implants in the difficult positions of the upper lateral incisors.

Effectiveness of non-opioid pain relievers revealed

A combination of acetaminophen and ibuprofen controls pain after wisdom tooth removal better than opioids, according to a Rutgers Health study.

The delivery of ridge preservation treatment in preparation for future restoration with dental implants

Imran Nasser treats a significant bony defect and oroantral communication with augmentation...

Restoring smiles with confidence

Omar Iqbal replaces a patient’s failing bridge in the aesthetic zone with a new prosthesis.

Irrigation information

Nicolas Coomber discusses the options available to clinicians.

The ins and outs

Jacob Watwood discusses how to address gingival recession.

The risks versus the benefits

Alec Hilton examines the importance of managing patients’ fluoride use.

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Clinical Dentistry

Clinical Dentistry

Remain diligent

Hannah Burrow discusses how to keep compliant, even during routine treatment.

Dental extractions, what are the risks?

Hannah Burrow explains the importance of recording the patient's clinical journey.

NHS Update: Revised clinical standards

Sara Hurley, chief dental officer for England, outlines the recent changes in NHS guidelines and announces events happening in May 2023.

Get the patient to the church on time!

Ceri Owen-Roberts shows how he uses digital technologies to support planning and delivery of implant treatment in a young female patient.

Needle-free dental anaesthesia

Researchers are literally taking the pain out of visits to the dentist after the successful creation and pilot trial of a needle-free device for dental anaesthesia for teeth extractions.

Non-opioid alternatives for dental pain

A study from the University of Rochester compared two groups of patients who had dental extractions at in a local dental care clinic to find an alternative to opioid painkillers.

Full-arch rehabilitation using six implants

Amit Patel shares his recent case, where he provided full-arch rehabilitation for a patient.

A full smile refresh

Dr Reema Aggarwal describes a smile refresh of a patient who had advanced tooth surface loss.

Scottish dentists test AI to help identify tooth decay

Pioneering artificial intelligence (AI) which can improve the accuracy of the way early tooth decay is diagnosed and prevented is being tested for the first time in Scotland by Clyde Munro Dental...

Diabetes may weaken teeth and promote tooth decay, study shows

A new study by Mohammad Ali Saghiri from Rutgers University suggests that Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are prone to tooth decay. The study suggests that such individuals have reduced strength and...

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