Ucer Education

02 March 2020

Professor Cemal Ucer and Professor Andrea Tedesco – specialist oral surgeons renowned for their skills and experience in dental implantology – will be presenting a new training course this spring.

The intensive hands-on surgical training will teach zygomatic, nasal and pterygoid implant placement for the treatment of the severely atrophic maxilla. It will cover using both conventional and the zygomatic minimally invasive technique (ZMIT) with piezo electric instrumentation.

The course is ideal for dentists experienced in dental implantology and looking for safe and effective zygomatic solutions for a wide range of complex clinical situations. The course takes place from April 30 to May 1, 2020 in Manchester.

For more information call 01612 371 842, email ice@ucer.uk or visit www.ucer.education