Seeing eye to AI

David Hussey looks into how technology is changing dentistry.
The Collins word of the year for 2023 was ‘AI’, showing how technological innovation is at the forefront of the cultural conversation. Technology, especially AI, in the workplace can be viewed as a double-edged sword, with the power to assist jobs but also to replace them – last year’s writer’s strike was heralded as the first workplace battle between humans and AI.
In the world of healthcare, however, innovation in technology has become crucial to treatment success and business development. Dentistry has evolved. Where once crude tools and limited knowledge defined the early practitioners’ treatment plans, along came ground-breaking ideas like the X-ray, and then the CT scanner. Now, in the 21st century, lasers and 3D printing are some of the recent breakthroughs elevating the standard for accurate diagnoses and treatment plans. Using advanced innovations in technology, such as AI, is the next natural step for dentists to take so that they can provide the best possible treatments.
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