Roger Matthews

Five more years

Roger Matthews spells out what the election result will mean for dentistry.

No change, all change

Roger Matthews considers the impact the new CQC regime has had on practices.

Writing on the wall

Roger Matthews considers the implications dental funding issues.

Price, worth and loyalty

Roger Matthews questions how these concepts work in UK dentistry.

The writing is on the screen...

Roger Matthews looks at the changing world’s impact on dentistry.

The A word

Roger Matthews explains the importance of the practice audit.

Blowing up

Roger Matthews reviews the need for a change in perspective.

Muddling through

Roger Matthews considers the future for dentistry

Think about it

Roger Matthews warns of the dangers of acting on instinct.

It ain’t fair

Roger Matthews looks at the different approaches to dental provision.

Wither NHS dentistry

Roger Matthews looks at what impact next year’s election will have to dental funding.

A two letter word

Roger Matthews explores the world of professional relationships.