Anxious dental patient soothed by assistance dog

22 April 2024

A Cheshire dental practice has had a surprise visit from a patient’s assistance dog.

Gill Crosby has suffered from PTSD and depression for many years. Last year, she purchased a dog to train as an assistance animal.

As Gil is a nervous patient, she brought the dog, Cooper, to her dental appointment in April 2024.

Speaking to Runcorn and Widnes World, Gil said, “The difference that he has made to my life is massive.

“I’m a different person – I can’t wait to get home to see him.”

To date, Cooper has completed the bronze and silver levels of the Adolescent Dogs’ training programme. He is working towards gold.

Gil has a phobia of the dentist. So, before her visit to Halton Road Dental Practice, she asked the practice if she could bring Cooper along.

“They told me they had never had a dog in there before,” Gill commented.

“I was terrified, and Cooper jumped up onto the dentist's chair with me and lay on my lap the whole time. It felt like it was nothing because he was there with me.”

During the appointment, Cooper received a lot of attention from the practice team. Nine dentists and several assistants came in to see him.

Cooper currently spends his days with Gil’s partner while she is working. Once his training is complete, Gill hopes that Cooper will be able to go to work with her.