Download free white paper

10 June 2014
Volume 29 · Issue 10

Software of Excellence are releasing a series of White Papers in 2014, the first of which is now available to download free of charge.

These informative documents aim to explore some of the challenges that dentists are currently facing, providing insight and solutions through in-depth analysis and expertise.

Using data collected from hundreds of dental professionals, Software of Excellence has created “Achieving Optimum Recall Effectiveness in the Dental Practice”, a white paper that gives clear evidence to support “best-practice” in the area of recalls.

This ‘best-practice’ strategy shows that by using a consistent approach to communication: sending multiple messages, at regular intervals, across a range of media recall effectiveness can increase to over 85 per cent,

These white papers are designed to answer some of the most important questions dentists are asking about their businesses and will help boost practice performance.