Employers put on notice after employment tribunal ruling

04 September 2017
Volume 31 · Issue 6

Activists are hailing a Supreme Court decision to revoke fees for employment tribunals, while legal experts warn employers that it may lead to a significant upsurge in cases being brought before employment tribunals.

The court ruled the fees, introduced in 2013, were unlawful and unconstitutional. Employees in the UK were required to pay up to £1,200 to bring their complaints of unfair treatment or dismissal before the tribunal – with an estimated 70 per cent drop in such cases during the past four years.

John Grant of Goodman Grant Solicitors, a leading UK law firm providing specialist legal services to the dental profession, believes there will likely be a reverse of that figure following the ruling.

“This is very significant not only for employees but also employers, who must continue to ensure that employment issues are dealt with in accordance with employers legal obligations or run the risk of being sued. This applies not only to employees, but also anyone engaged on a self-employed basis, such as associates and hygienists. Compliance starts from the moment you commence the recruitment process right the way through to providing a former member of staff with a reference – it’s not just about the people who are actually engaged by a practice at any particular time ” said John.

“Employers who do not deal with staff in accordance with employment legislation now face a far greater threat of being sued, as the application fees, which previously deterred so many people, are no longer a barrier to bringing a claim.”

The government has also pledged to reimburse the estimated £27m in tribunal fees paid since 2013.

For more information, visit the Goodman Grant website at www.goodmangrant.co.uk