Fizz warning

15 April 2015
Volume 31 · Issue 2

One of the UK’s leading cosmetic dentists has warned that the obsession with sugar causing tooth decay means that people are ignoring one of the other major causes of tooth damage.

Ken Harris, who runs Riveredge Cosmetic Dentistry in Sunderland and Newcastle, says that most people realise that sugary drinks cause dental decay.
But he claims the danger to teeth is not only from the sugar many fizzy drinks contain but also from the acid in the fizz.
The bubbles, which are even present in sugar free pop, can seriously damage tooth enamel by acid erosion.
Ken now wants to bring the problem to the public’s attention, in a bid to get people to change the way they brush their teeth.
“Carbonated drinks contain significant acid which softens the enamel on your teeth,” said Ken, who has more than 30 years’ experience working in general dental practice.
“And if people go and clean their teeth straight after they’ve had carbonated drinks or fruit juice – which also contains a great deal of acid – they could actually damage their teeth at a time when their tooth enamel has just been softened by the acid.
“The current way most people brush their teeth is actually accelerating the damage from acid erosion and could be setting up significant dental problems in the future.”
Ken adds that teeth are covered with a tough but thin layer of enamel that can’t be replaced once it’s been worn away.
He suggests that people wait at least four hours after taking fizzy drinks before brushing their teeth. This delay allows softened enamel to harden up again and so reduce any damage caused from immediately brushing.
“In reality teeth should perhaps be brushed before meals, not after,” he said.
He added that “the current habit for brushing the way we do is based on one piece of research carried out in a school in Holland in the 1960s and no other research has really been done since then.
“We have been brainwashed into thinking we need to brush our teeth immediately after meals. 
“But the evidence for this is flawed, with current advice recommending to just brush in the morning and at night.
“The aim is to regularly remove dental plaque and not just pieces of food trapped in our teeth and it’s time that dentists publicised this fact.”
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