Keeping control of infection prevention
Nicky Varney explains how practices can remain compliant.
The Covid-19 pandemic made everyone hyper-vigilant about the importance of infection control. Using hand sanitisers, elbow bumping instead of shaking hands, dodging joggers on the pavement and generally keeping our distance became second nature. And while such daily practices are now mainly in the rear-view mirror, the importance of infection control and patients’ awareness of it and that of their dental practitioners has increased significantly.
Given that dentistry is one of the most exposed professions to respiratory diseases, the feeling that you’re in safe hands is paramount. Therefore, it’s essential that dental practitioners shout about just how safe their practices are to allay any lingering patient worries.
Pathway to infection
As you will know, infections can be transmitted in the dental surgery via several routes:
Chain of infection
It’s necessary to understand the chain of infection to reduce the risk to patients during dental procedures. There are six steps involved: Organism > Reservoir > Portal of exit > Transmission> Portal of entry > Vulnerable hosts.
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