Shetland mouth cancer awareness event

06 May 2024

Staff from the University of Aberdeen’s Institute of Dentistry travelled north recently to raise awareness about mouth cancer at a special event in Shetland.

As part of Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month, Rasha Abu-Eid and Katie Hanna joined NHS Shetland colleagues in an ‘Early Detection of Mouth Cancer’ event aimed at the local public.

The event included a well-attended talk aimed at the general public to increase oral cancer awareness delivered by Rasha and Katie.

Rasha also delivered a continuous professional development (CPD) session to NHS health care workers in Shetland and Orkney.  The hybrid CPD session was attended by 41 colleagues including staff from GPs, ANPs, Pharmacy, Speech & Language and Dentistry.

As part of the event, NHS Shetland ran oral cancer drop-in screening sessions, where members of the public came to be examined or speak to our experts. The drop-in sessions were well attended with 38 screenings and four referrals for biopsies.

Rasha said, “It was great to see so many people turn up to the event in Lerwick at the specially organised event with NHS Shetland. I think together, we helped increase awareness about mouth cancer and emphasised the importance of early detection.”

The event educated attendees on how simple it can be to screen for the condition and identify any warning signs. We look forward to work with our colleagues in NHS Shetland and organise future events.