The key to life and a successful dental career

David Hussey discusses the importance of substance.
We are always talking about the importance of quality over quantity, substance over form, but what does that really mean? In dentistry, this can apply to everything from the care delivered to your patients to the benefits you offer your practice team and the training courses you attend to further your clinical skills. In every situation, it’s important to consider whether the perceived value of an activity or event is accurately reflected in reality.
Quality of care
Though it’s difficult to define exactly what quality care is, Donabedian’s 1980s suggestion was “care which is expected to maximise an inclusive measure of patient welfare, after one has taken account of the balance of expected gains and losses that attend the process of care in all its parts”. The World Health Organisation offered its own description in 2018, stating the three key components for quality patient care to be effective, evidence-based services; safe; and people-centred.
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