Thousands of patients deregistered

06 December 2022

A dental practice in Dumfries has confirmed plans to deregister over 5,000 patients. New patients are now being forced to go private or join practices elsewhere, as no other dentists in Dumfries and Galloway are taking on patients.

A dental practice in Dumfries has confirmed plans to deregister over 5,000 patients.

New patients are now being forced to go private or join practices elsewhere, as no other dentists in Dumfries and Galloway are taking on patients.

For patients on the waiting list, the decision by Blue Door dental practice could be perceived as discouraging. Paul Davies is among the patients affected, he has been attempting to secure an appointment since the summer of 2022. As a result of the queen’s funeral and a cancellation, he has not yet been treated.

Speaking to BBC News Paul said, “In frustration, I emailed the practice manager and was told that all NHS appointments were being cancelled as the practice was leaving the NHS for most treatments.

"I have been unable to find an NHS dentist in Dumfries.

"Amazingly the pain I have been experiencing has reduced, but I do have a broken tooth and some discomfort

"I intend to speak to Blue Door about leaving and then find a dentist outside of Dumfries and Galloway.”

Responding to the closure, Valerie White, director of public health for NHS Dumfries and Galloway said, “We continue work to encourage and support dentists to provide NHS general dental services and are working closely with Scottish government colleagues on these matters.

"However, lack of dentists coming to work in the region is a key issue, and challenges in dental workforce are being seen across the UK."

A statement to BBC news from the Scottish government said, “We understand that in certain remote and rural areas, NHS dental access is challenging - a historical position exacerbated by Brexit controls, as well as the unique difficulties following the pandemic.

"We have put in place additional recruitment and retention incentives to maximise the opportunities for newly qualified dentists to work in areas such as Dumfries and Galloway."